EMDR Therapy
Do you feel trapped because of your past?
Has an event in your life made it hard to function in the present?
Do you constantly feel like a failure, like you're not good enough, or like things are your fault?
Are you worried about not being able to move forward in life?
Have fears, grief, anger, or depression stopped you from fully living?
Does it feel like no matter what you try, you can't convince a part of yourself to heal or to change?
EMDR​ is an evidence-based practice that has enabled many clients to experience life-changing results, fast.
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The approach was originally developed in 1995 by Dr. Francine Shapiro as a way to help people overcome trauma. EMDR helps us reintegrate negative and/or traumatic memories or thoughts that become "frozen" in our minds.
When this "freezing" happens, we can experience symptoms like anxiety, panic attacks, depression, nightmares & flashbacks, or intense anger. Other possible effects of trapped negative memories can include things like chronic low self-esteem, lack of confidence, specific phobias, or beliefs that can injure our relationships with other people.
Many clients have shared that EMDR allows them to feel powerful again,
and in many cases eliminates their symptoms altogether.
Reserve a free 15-minute call today to learn more.

How does EMDR work?
EMDR involves a process called "bilateral stimulation" (BLS). The most common form of BLS is a structured pattern of hand motions. These hand motions stimulate eye movements similar to those that occur in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. While researchers don't yet know 100% of what occurs in REM sleep, the brain appears to "index" memory and activate learning circuits during this part of the sleep cycle. This "memory filing" and learning process indicates that the brain uses this time to help us make sense out of our experiences. When we experience trauma, acute stress, or other disturbing events, the brain labels these memories as "unsafe," and can cause our body and mind to become hypersensitive to certain aspects of the memories themselves.
EMDR enhances the brain's ability to reprocess disturbing memories and their effects while we're awake. This allows the brain to have a healthier relationship with negative past experiences, resulting in a symptom-free present.
EMDR has been shown to be more effective than standard care practices for PTSD, trauma-focused CBT, or prolonged exposure therapy, producing more powerful results that last longer than other methods of treatment(1).
In a nutshell, EMDR supercharges the brain's ability to heal.​
Percentage of people who experience significant improvement after only 3 sessions
Number of 50-minute sessions to resolve PTSD for 77% of clients with multiple-trauma histories
Read more about EMDR here
Here are just a few ways that EMDR has helped transform the lives of clients:​
Overcome social anxiety and lack of confidence
Beat symptoms of depression and experience real hope again
Resolve unprocessed traumatic memories
Break cycles of failure or powerlessness
Manage stress and general anxiety more effectively
Prevent and eliminate panic attacks
Find peace after loss, grief, or betrayal
Build courage and conquer fear
Many others
EMDR is a powerful tool for helping you address and overcome issues like: