Getting Started
in three easy steps
We help:​
Parents & kids (age 2+) who want to stop arguing and bring harmony back home
Stop fighting, create structure, and start enjoying time together again
Couples building a foundation for marriage, or working on the one they already have
Learn about each other, build better communication, improve conflict resolution, and create pathways to lasting connection
People trying to understand how their
past affects their present
Start engaging with life based on where you want to go, not just where you came from
Emerging adults seeking clarity about the future
Connect with your goals, reduce mental clutter, and form game plans that get you excited about life's possibilities again
People struggling to make sense of their
relationships and internal chatter
Build confidence & clarity, and learn new ways to connect
Students & families stuck behind the roadblocks
of ADHD, academic, or behavioral concerns
Build new strategies that use your unique strengths and maximize your opportunities for success
Individuals plagued by anxiety and
feeling out of control
Start feeling comfortable in your own skin again, and get back in the driver's seat of life
People of all ages who want to "feel" better
Learn new ways of relating to your thoughts & feelings, and be empowered to meet life the way you want
We'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
Redfish Counseling
1022 W 1st Street
Suite 203
Winston-Salem, NC 27101